Transportation to get to Verizon Center is convenient. Just take yellow line to Chinatown Station and walk just 2 minutes. For normal audience, doors were open at 6pm. However, I have group sales ticket from the manager of Monumental Sports & Entertainment. Therefore, I had priority to watch warm-up of the team at 5:15 pm.
map of verizon center
crazy fans waiting for their stars
I desperately wanted to get signature of Kobe or other players. At the first time, I explained to the staff that please let me stay. However, she just talked to me rude and point to the exit to ask me leave. And I began to be a bad guy, ignoring her voice, just standing in the corner and waiting. I know that for the crowd management, proper behavior of participants are really important. However, at that point, I were just like other crazy fans. We were totally sure that we did not want to influence others. Actually we were not standing in pathway, we just stood on the way people would not get through. Unfortunately, that came the crowd management problem.
event staff try to control the fans
game began at 7pm
Since the game began, audience were at order sitting on their seats and watching the exciting game. Only one time that I might worry about the disorder was when John Wall doing free throw, fans of Kobe made high volume sound of boo to distract him. Some crazy fans might got angry and fight with those booers. Therefore, I thought that personal qualities were really important to an event.
thank you Kobe for 20 amazing years
Finally, Kobe Bryant led Lakers to win the game. It was a really memorable and amazing game which also made me think about event management in a different way.
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