Top 3 Learnings from Event Management
I am sure most of us are having mixed feelings
about ending this course in Event Management. We are excided because exams are
over and the holidays are ahead of us, but at the same time we are just little
bid sad that we don’t get to meet up every Thursday night anymore. I feel
especially sad, since I don’t even get to be on campus here at George
Washington University next year. So before I start – thank you all, fellow
student and professor Levy, for a great learning experience, great company and
some funny late Thursday nights. I appreciate it!
... On to what I have learned!
1. Informational
Interview Process.
One of the most interesting learning
experiences this course gave me is without a doubt related to the informational
interview. By being forced to actually consider which job position I could se
myself in in the future started a valuable thought process about my future
carrier path. My interview experience definitely made me more sure about what
my ambitions for the future is, and which future experiences and job positions
I should pursue when I finish my degree next year.
2. Fieldtrip
Another important aspect I have valued during
this semester is the great insight into the industry of meetings and events and
what it actually encompasses. I will highlight our fieldtrips. Through
fieldtrips it has ben clarified how big this industry actually is and how many
possibilities and work experiences there is to pursue and explore. The same
goes for the events we had to participate in during the semester to do the blog
posts. It was inspiring to learn some valuable lesson about the industry – And
doing so without only reading about it in books!
3. Objectives and KPI’s
It might sound really basic, that the
importance of objectives and KPI's is mentioned here. However, when dealing
with events it is easy to forget that there are many different aspects that
need to be covered in order to create valuable events – and especially that
many of these aspects needs to be correlated. It is not enough to have a great
objective for an event if you don’t know how to measure the success of that
event through KPI’s and making sure that you actually achieved what you set out
to do. learnings like these is something I will try to remember when working
events in the future. I feel like I got a much more holistic picture of the
different components that is important to the event and meetings industry
through the lectures and readings in this course.
Overall, this course has given me some
essential insights into the industry and broadened my horizon. I will also ad,
that it makes so much sense that this course is grounded in practical exercises
that made us “get out there” and experience the industry four ourselves, giving
us the opportunity to use what we have learned in class in real life.
I have had a great time!
And, please let me know if anyone of you ever get to Copenhagen! The best of luck with the rest of your experiences here at GWU.
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