Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The 8th International Conference on Services Management

As a student majoring in hospitality management, it was my great honor to participate in this industry conference. The overall theme of the 8th International Conference on Services Management is "Creating Value, Innovation in Delivering Services". This conference addressed creating value and innovation in delivering services, socio-economic complexities of the growth of service organizations and tourism destinations and their responsibilities to different stakeholder groups. This conference was a forum for sharing knowledge about the practices of organizations in dynamic economies of different continents including Asia, Middle East and Africa, America, Australia and Europe. It incorporate both conceptual and empirical research papers that link knowledge to different country and service industry contexts including tourism and hospitality, retailing, financial services and banking, education, and healthcare and professional services. 
During all the paper sessions, I was quite interested in the paper involving historical hotels as tourists experiences, which was presented by Prof. Soelvi Lyngnes. From this event, I realized more research opportunities in the hospitality field and I look forward to participating in the research projects in the future.

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