Wednesday, December 9, 2015

My three takeaways from Event Management class

Time really flies and finally our Event Management class comes to the end. I would like to share three most unforgettable experiences during the past four months.

1.       Visiting Social Table
Field trip is always exciting and interesting for me as we have the opportunity to communicate with the management team face to face. As a startup company, I think they are doing an excellent job by combining the latest technology and event design. We learned that there are eight stages: announcing, attracting, anticipating, entering, experiencing, engaging, exiting, and extending. When event planners plan events in the future, the software could easily help them to figure out the main process and attendees’ activities, which is really helpful for event planners.

2.       Risk management in the events
As a student majoring in hospitality, I realized how risk management was crucial for an event by taking this class. Through different cases, my classmates and I learned the main risks for the outdoor event like Barbeque. As an event planner, it is important to identify, analyze and respond to the risks.
3.       Informational interview
It was my second time to conduct an informational interview. Besides learning the professional experience from my interviewee, I think another critical takeaway was the kindness. Many professionals are willing to help students like us and I expect one day, if I had the same ability to help others, I would do whatever I could, just like my interviewee.

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